
Matters needing attention in hotel ventilation engineering

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In the design of the hotel’s central air-conditioning and ventilation system, the design of the hotel’s air-conditioning and ventilation system was not considered due to the fact that the hotel’s actual operating characteristics and needs were only designed in accordance with the specifications, which resulted in many practical problems after the completion of the project and affected the normal operation of the hotel. Therefore, the hotel’s air-conditioning and ventilation system must be designed Combining the characteristics and usage needs of the various operating areas of the hotel, what issues should be paid attention to when designing?
1. Air outlet design:
Chinese and Western restaurant area:
Due to condensation on the air-conditioning outlets, no air-conditioning outlets can be set directly above the dining tables and chairs in the restaurant, and directly above the serving area of ​​the Western food buffet, to prevent the condensation from falling down and dripping on the guests, food or dining table. Affect guests' meals.
Private rooms and lounges:
The air outlet should be designed as a diffuse flow type to prevent the cold wind from blowing directly on the guests' body and affecting the guests' rest; at the same time, the gas distribution is more even, so that the indoor temperature can reach a balance faster. In addition, the air outlet should not be located directly above the rest area to prevent condensation from dripping onto the guests or the furniture in the rest area.
2. Design number and capacity of refrigeration host
It should be considered that when one unit cannot operate, the capacity of the remaining units can meet 75% of the calculated cooling load of the entire building. To
3. Installation position of the thermostat:
The thermostat should be installed in a relatively concealed position on the wall, but it must be well ventilated to ensure that the thermostat can react quickly to temperature changes in the area so that the temperature of the area meets the control requirements.
4. Strengthen the ventilation of film and television halls, SPA rooms, chess and card rooms, Internet cafes, etc.
Since the film and television hall, SPA room, chess and card room, Internet cafes and other environments are relatively closed and densely populated, in order to keep the air fresh, in addition to the air conditioning system, an exhaust system must be added to ensure that these areas are free of odors.
5. The design of increasing the cooling capacity of the air-conditioning in the gym:
Since guests’ bodies generate a lot of heat during fitness, the gym should increase the cooling load of the air-conditioning to ensure the comfort of the guests’ fitness environment.
6. It is recommended not to adopt the form of ceiling return air for the installation of all fan coils in the hotel
There should be a return air box connected to the return air outlet. The air return vent should be a door hinge with a filter. A maintenance hole should be provided near each fan coil to facilitate future maintenance. If the fan coil part of the guest room adopts ceiling return air, the adjacent space (toilet and corridor partition wall) of the fan coil on the ceiling must be tightly sealed.
7. Install air conditioning in guest toilets:
In order to reduce costs, some resort hotels cancel the central air conditioning in the restrooms of the business area, which affects the use of guests during normal business operations, causes complaints from guests, and affects the image of the resort. Therefore, guest restrooms in the business area must be equipped with air-conditioning.
8. Install an exhaust fan above the hot towel cabinet:
When the hot towel cabinet in the business area is opened, hot air will come out, which will affect the local decoration and increase the load of the air conditioner in summer. Therefore, install an exhaust fan above the hot towel cabinet to exhaust the hot air in time.
9. The air conditioning in the swimming pool area should consider the dehumidification function:
As the water temperature of the swimming pool is relatively hot, the water vapor will increase the humidity around the swimming pool, which will affect the life of the decorated facade. It also makes guests feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the air conditioning in the pool area should consider the function of dehumidification.

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