
What is the cause of condensation at the air outlet?

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With the advent of summer, more and more families turn on the air conditioners in their homes. Many users find that when they use air conditioners, the air outlets of the air conditioners have signs of condensation, and sometimes the condensation drops on and gets wet. Up high in the sky. Especially in the homes of some users who install central air conditioners, this kind of environment is more common, so what is the problem of condensation (condensation) at the air outlet of the air conditioner? The text editor will take a look at the answers of the warm air outlet manufacturers.
What to do with water condensation at the air-conditioning outlet-the reason for the condensation at the air-conditioning outlet is that the dew point temperature of the atmosphere is higher when the humidity in the room in the hot summer area is high. When the air supply temperature is lower than the dew point temperature of the atmosphere in the room, The louver outlet of the air conditioner will condense and drip condensed water, especially during the first period of time when it is turned on. This is an abnormal phenomenon. Just like when we take out frozen mineral water from the refrigerator in the summer, dew will form on the outside of the mineral water bottle. The air outlet manufacturer pointed out that the condensation of the air outlet of the air conditioner is not a quality achievement, and the same, it means that the air conditioner in your home is very good.
How to deal with condensation at the air outlet of the air conditioner-how to deal with the condensation at the air outlet
1. Wooden tuyere can be used. Dew on tuyere is also usually because the indoor humidity is too high, which can properly increase the air supply temperature.
2. The doors and windows of the air-conditioned room should be kept tightly closed. Do not let the outdoor hot and humid atmosphere seep into the air-conditioned room. Because the air conditioner itself has a certain ability to dehumidify, with the operation of the air conditioner, the humidity in the atmosphere in the room will gradually decrease, and the condensation will gradually decrease until it does not condense again.
3. The indoor temperature is set to a high point. It can be set to 26°-28° at the moment of power-on, and then adjusted to the desired temperature after a period of time. Increase the wind speed of the indoor unit.
4. Condensation is because the air outlet temperature is lower than the dew point temperature of the atmosphere. Just make the air outlet a divergent nozzle, or increase the air supply.
5. If it is a louver vent, you can adjust the angle of the edge of the blade, so that large turbulence occurs at the exit and increase the attracting wind of the edge department, which will definitely help you to handle the above results.
6. If you feel that the wooden tuyere is more expensive, you can stick a thin PE insulation board on the side of the existing central air-conditioning tuyere. Through the above introduction, it can be seen that condensation at the air outlet of the air conditioner is a sign of abnormality, and users do not need to worry about the performance of their own air conditioner. In addition, in order to prevent economic loss caused by condensation of air conditioners, even if you don't place household appliances or other valuable appliances on the air outlet of the air conditioner, so as not to wet these items on the condensation point.
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